UFO In Portugal

This blog refers to the video below.

This is the beginning of the video and the occupants are already outside so the photographer Nuno Ribeiro, apparently happens upon the scene and starts his video camera.  The larger alien on the left turns toward the smaller one under the craft edge, makes a motion with his arm and then the smaller one scampers quickly inside.  The larger one stays outside for a few minutes and then goes inside quickly.  The ship takes off in about the first minute of the video. At 1:05 minute the ship is on the ground.  At 1.07 minute it is 2000 feet up in the sky and it sits there for about 30 seconds before disappearing in a flash.  Anybody trying to mimic a launch of an earth design, say like the space shuttle or military rocket, would likely show the launch taking several seconds to get that type of height.
The video data field was thoroughly examined for signs of editing with typical software like Adobe’s Photoshop.  In my use of this software, I find that the software modifies the EXIF data to show the software name and version. Also, for a given camera the data field tends to be very consistently formatted and when the core video is modified with editing software, there is a disruption of the format consistency.  But there is substantial variation in data field format from say a Japanese camera to other formats. Editing software must therefore be capable of adapting to various camera formats as well as various computer operating system formats.
When the user tries to import a video data field from one camera into another, the core data field is made priority.  This conflict is resolved by the editing software but the edit is highly visible in the resulting data field for the composite video.  If the user has generated a CGI model in some modeling software, that format will likely be substantially different from camera and editing formats.  The upshot is that any attempt to hoax a video is easily discovered by anyone with sufficient experience in that arena.
Anything constructed by modern earthlings has various very distinctive features widely known by engineers and designers.  Nuts, bolts and structural features are easily recognizable by their dimensionless ratios even when the scale is not known.  Anything created by advanced civilizations tends to have “self-deciphering” dimensionless ratios that essentially provide a signature of creation.  Modern day engineering almost never uses dimensionless ratios that are a simple multiple of phi=1.6180339 or other standard constants like pi or natural log base 2.71828. (A=1.718281828 + 1)
It is fortunate in the image above that the pattern on top can be resolved with the diameter of the ship because the chord is nearly a straight on shot by the camera.  The chord length can be compared with the diameter such that the circumference can be found quite accurately.  The result is that this ratio leads to a circumference of 2^(7) =128 x A = (1.718281828) or = 219.940074 ft (making the diameter just slightly larger than 70 feet).  This is not a design earthlings would likely use nor somebody hoaxing a video.
During takeoff, there is a large flash which may have sounded like lightning at close range and it apparently startles the photographer who drops the camera into the grass.   He apparently left 4 seconds of that video in his posted images.
The angle of the sun reflecting off the tilted surface of the ship is perfectly aligned with the shadows in the grass and trees when the image is magnified with image software. There is no evidence of image tampering (Photoshop) in any of the unedited video data which was examined bit by bit. When one video is added to another, the data shows a break which the image might not show that much.
UFO Takeoff
This is a real UFO video taking off and an examination of the propulsion system relates to sonoluminescence.  Note in the image below that the UFO is off the ground a few feet and there is no flash on the bottom.  There might be something on top.

The previous image shows the flash initiating just a partial second later.
The next image is the large flash at takeoff.

The next image at takeoff shows the flash diminishing with just a few feet in vertical travel.  The camera can now focus on other things better.

The UFO has traveled vertically less than the diameter of the ship which is estimated to be about 70 feet based on the larger alien being 5 feet tall.  The flash is definitely not part of the propulsion system but is a reaction (thought herein to be sonoluminescence) to the atmosphere.  It could be likened to a lightning bolt that hits close to you (like on a USFS lookout well-grounded in a lightning storm which may strike the lookout several times in a single storm).  There is no thunder but more like a gun going off near your ear.  The human reaction is to cover your ears with both hands.  That is likely how the camera got dropped.
The apparent photographer, Nuno Ribeiro, apparently edited out most of his recovery of the camera but finds the UFO in the sky while he apparently is on or near the ground since the weeds start showing in the sky portion of the video.  In stepping thru the camera rolling on the grass, it is clear from the change of the axis of the grass blades that the camera is loose from the photographer. The weeds and clouds help to show what is happening to the UFO and zero out the camera movement and cloud movement.  
In the next series of images, the taller weed on the left (thought to be about 3 feet) stays pretty similar in relationship to the UFO.  The clouds seem to be moving from right to left.  The shorter pair of weeds on the right is where the UFO is eventually going to blast out towards.

Notice below that the UFO has stayed pretty close to the tall weed on the left but the clouds have moved to the left.  The UFO has stayed about the same size like it was remaining at about the same altitude.  Note that it appears quite circular, indicating it fairly perpendicular to the photographer like it was keeping an eye on him.

In the image below, the UFO starts to accelerate to a higher altitude and starts getting smaller and smaller until it disappears but before the bright flash.  The reader can compare the UFO diameter with the heads of the weeds on the right. The second image below is just before it dissapears.  There is only a slight indication of the direction before it shows clearly in the flash further below.

In a very small portion of a second at time stamp 1:42 the video shows the path of the UFO and how fast it is traveling. Based on estimated altitude and earth curvature the UFO is likely traveling tens of thousands of miles per hour. White line was added to show roughly the total time the UFO flash was on the video.  It totally disappears and never returns to the photographer viewpoint.

The size of the flash is much larger than the craft as shown in the faint image further back.  The blowup below shows that UFO flash is very near to round and is moving with the craft before craft and flash totally disappear a split second later.

The non-technical reader is likely just skimming thru this stuff but it is recommended to mentally consider the overall implications.  Surely nobody would be stupid enough to put the thousands of man-hours into making a hoax and have it be this unbelievable without technical support. Millions of dollars were put into Star-Trek and Star-Wars movie graphics and most of those were shot on models in very simple backgrounds.


One must consider the similarities of this video with the teleportation video analyzed at www.teleportation-in-china.blogspot.com .  There is slight movement, a major flash and then the object either disappears or re-appears without the flash.  It appears the sonoluminescence could be the fundamental process that is occurring and the flash could be the result of the atmosphere interaction and nothing to do with propulsion.



Knowhow at ctcweb dot net

Jim Branson

Retired Professional Engineering Manager
